DIY-Best out of waste craft ideas / How to make lantern with plastic bottle #Diwalicraft

DIY-Best out of waste craft ideas / How to make lantern with plastic bottle #Diwalicraft

#CraftingwithMamta #Diwalicraft #Laltain #Lentern #Bestoutofwastecraftideas #Reuseofplasticbottle Aasaan tarike sai diwali ka craft banana seekhe आसान तरीके से दीवाली का क्राफ्ट बनना सीखे How to make lantern How to make laltain Diwali decoration ideas How to make lantern with plastic bottles Material required 👇 Useless plastic bottles Bottle cutter Scissors Marker Fevicol Cello tape Coloured Tapes Coloured papers Dear friends If u like my video Please Like ,share ,comment and subscribe my channel Crafting with Mamta #CraftingwithMamta #Crafty #Mamta Thanks for watching my video 🌹🙏🌹 Happy Deepawali to all