10 English Words to Sound Smart and Improve Your English Vocabulary  Speak Like a Native

10 English Words to Sound Smart and Improve Your English Vocabulary Speak Like a Native

Click to learn 10 Smart English Words for a daily life, Improve Your English Vocabulary by learning new English words for daily use. We all want to learn English fast and I understand that. But we cannot use only good, ok, fine, nice in our conversation. If you want to improve your English vocabulary keep watching this video and you will learn some smart and beautiful English words that you can you use in your life everyday. Today I am going to be teaching you 10 smart and beautiful English words their meanings with some examples and at the end of the video I will give you a tip to sound fluently. Word #1 STUPENDOUS Stupendous news! We’ve won £500 000! So stupendous is used to describe something that amazing , wonderful and very surprising. Word #2 SLUGGISH I felt really sluggish after lunch. It is when you move slowly or you are not active. Word #3 eternity It seemed like an eternity until she came back. It means time that never ends or that has no limits, especially life continuing without end after death If you say that a situation lasted for an eternity, you mean that it seemed to last an extremely long time, usually because it was boring or unpleasant. Word #4 ineffable You can use this words when something is so amazing that you can’t describe it or express it in words When John saw his bride, he experienced an ineffable feeling. Ineffable beauty. The beauty of a sunset is ineffable. Word #5 ethereal It means extremely light and delicate, as if not of this world. It is not earthly; it is heavenly. It is ethereal. His music is ethereal. It is so wonderful, it makes me so happy. I like listening to his music for eternity because it is ethereal as if not of this world The windows give the church an ethereal glow. “Ethereal Sky” is a very beautiful painting. Word #6 catch-22 Do you ever feel like you’re caught? That, no matter what you choose, you’re not going to get the outcome or result you desire? You’re in a catch-22 situation. It means an impossible situation where you can’t do one thing until you have done another thing that you cannot do until you have done the first thing: a catch-22 situation You need a job, but the boss tells you, you need some work experience. But you can’t have the work experience without the job. So no work unless you have work experience, no work experience unless you’ve worked. Word #7 cherish It means to love, protect, and care for someone or something that is important to you: Although I cherish my children, I allow them their independence. The word /cherish/ is most commonly used in discussion of what people hold dear, especially loved ones and memories of them. I will always cherish that memory. Word #8 SWAMPED SWAMPED |ˈswɑːmpt| It means to drown or flood And very often it is used in the context of work. I'm swamped with work at the moment. If you look at the root of this words - A swamp is an area of very wet land with wild plants growing in it. Where you can easily drown. If you are swamped by things or people, it means you have more than you can deal with. Word #9 Unanimous The debate went on for hours, but in the end the decision was unanimous. The jury was unanimous in finding him guilty. The definition of unanimous is a situation where all parties involved are fully in agreement and there is no disagreement. An example of an unanimous vote is one where everyone voted yes. Word #10 Pragmatic It is the you do things in a practical and realistic way and not using only ideas. It is when you deal with problems in a sensible practical way For example Bill took a more pragmatic approach to problems. If someone is pragmatic it means this person is practical, realistic, down-to-earth. Time codes: 0:00 Improve Your English 00:55 STUPENDOUS 02:17 SLUGGISH 02:53 eternity 03:58 ineffable 05:10 ethereal 05:59 catch-22 07:27 cherish 08:11 SWAMPED 09:15 Unanimous 10:20 Pragmatic 11:23 A Secret Tip Click to watch 10 Daily Use Smart English Words, Improve Your English Vocabulary by learning new English words, and 10 smart English words, daily use vocabulary words, useful English vocabulary words and daily use smart English words. Easy method to learn daily use English words and get vocabulary practice If you want to learn English with me and become my personal student you can contact me: ⭐ INSTAGRAM - karina_gedarevich ⭐ EMAIL: [email protected] english words, smart english words, vocabulary words, english vocabulary words, daily use english words, most useful daily use words, english words for daily use, daily use vocabulary words, learn smart english words, 10 daily use smart english words, how to learn english words, vocabulary practice, improve vocabulary, english speaking, modern english words, common english words, speak english, english tips, study tips english language, english, anglais, inglese, inglés, Englisch, англи́йский, inglês, angielski, anglicky, αγγλικά, İngilizce, إنجليزي, expressions