1 INGREDIENT SLIME! 💧Testing NO GLUE Water Slimes! DIY NO GLUE Slime
😃 SUBSCRIBE ► / @juliusjsh Hey guys, Its JSH diy! Welcome back to my channel, today I will be showing you how to make slime without glue or borax. I've figured out so many new water slime recipes that I will be sharing with you in todays video. If you want to learn how to make slime with ordinary house hold ingredients such as toothpaste, hand soap, and water watch this video! WATCH MY LAST VIDEO► • How To Make CLEAR CLAY (NO GLUE)! MU... TURN ON MY POST NOTIFICATIONS TO JOIN NOTIF SQUAD! SHARE THIS VIDEO AFTER YOU LIKE IT TO GET A SHOUTOUT! *FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * MY INSTAGRAM (@Jsh.diy) ► https://www.instagram.com/jsh.diy/?hl=en MY SLIME INSTAGRAM (@Jshslimes) ► https://www.instagram.com/jshslimes/?... Watch this video and comment “WHOS WATCHING THIS IN 2018”! • How To Make CLEAR Slime Without Glue ... THANKS FOR HANGING OUT!