How Our Winter Garden Survived -23°F (-31°C) With No Heat
Please join me for an update on our winter garden after a week of subzero temperatures and a low of -23°F (-31°C). If you shop on Amazon, you can support OYR simply by clicking this link (bookmark it too) before shopping: http://www.amazon.com/?tag=oneya-20 Agribon Row Cover: http://amzn.to/2meQI4a Highlights: 0:22 How we protected plants from the cold 0:22 Didn't remove snow from north wall and bottom of hoop house 0:50 Covered outside and inside of door with 6 mil greenhouse film 1:52 Why I did not use supplemental heat 2:23 Covered cold frame and low tunnels with 2 extra layers of 6 mil greenhouse film (5 layers of cover total) 3:42 Temperatures outside versus hoop house 4:34 How did the plants hold up to the extreme cold? 6:50 The plants we're growing are more cold hardy than most people think Oscar Cameos: 4:14 4:34 6:21 8:16 I'm passionate about an approach to organic gardening that is frugal, easy, sustainable, and works with nature to achieve amazing results. My videos will help you grow more healthy organic fruits and vegetables, while working less and saving money. I don't push gardening products. I don't hype bogus "garden secrets". I provide evidence based strategies to help you grow a lot of food on a little land without spending much or working harder than you have to!