Kaleji Recipe | Easy Kaleji for Eid Special | How to cook soft kaleji

Kaleji Recipe | Easy Kaleji for Eid Special | How to cook soft kaleji

Kaleji Recipe | Mutton Kaleji Recipe | Beef Kaleji | Eid Special Recipes | Kun Foods Recipes | Kun Foods | Kun Food Kaleji | Eid ul Azha Recipe In this video, I am going to show the recipe of kaleji for eid. kaleji is the first dish of Eid ul Azha which is made from Qurbani meat in Pakistani homes. My mother used to make this dish for us in breakfast after the Qurbani. The taste of this dish is more like a memory for us. I will teach you the same recipe of kaleji as my mother used to make for us. Written Ingredients: Kaleji (Mutton Liver) 1.8kg Onion 5medium Tomatoes 4large Green Chillies 10 Garlic 6cloves Salt 1.75tsp Red Chilli Powder 2tsp Turmeric Powder 1tsp water as required Ghee 200gms or 1cup Cooking Utensils: Karahi or a pot to cook Follow me on Instagram for any kind of Details Instagram: afzaal_arshad Facebook: kunmediapk Kun foods is a recipe hub where you can find a variety of commercial and homemade recipes. I started kun foods a year ago to express my love for food and teach others about food and cooking. Now we have over 370k family and you guys are loving our recipes, Thankyou a lot.