RE2: Remake - Knife Only, Hardcore, All Bosses, No Damage (PS4)

RE2: Remake - Knife Only, Hardcore, All Bosses, No Damage (PS4)

Things I do to avoid no rolling Soul of Cinder... This was fun little challenge while waiting for Sekiro to come out. Mostly stress-free even tho I was worried about G2 and G3. Timestamps: 00:00 William Birkin (G) stage 1 Simple nascar fight. I tried to avoid taking big risks so fight took longer than I would have wanted. 09:05 G stage 2 I used slightly modified strategy from channel Best Gamer Challenge:    • Resident Evil 2 - G Stage 2 (Hardcore...   I was worried at first how difficult it would be to learn but when I started to punish every attack and quit trying to hit the shoulder-eye the strat clicked for me. Not the most efficient way tho. And yes, I should have slashed enough to use the crane only once but I was pretty sure I wouldn't have enough knives and motivation for it. 15:26 G stage 3 The big one and the reason why I got the idea about doing this challenge in the first place. Great boss, one of the best in the RE series. Unfortunately the eyes have very weird hit boxes when using the knife. One time I thought I was hitting the shoulder-eye when suddenly the back-eye popped. After that I avoided the eyes in the phase 2 and 3 because it was more efficient that way. I usually got through the first phase within 2 minutes but of course here I struggled to hit the eyes' hit boxes. PS4 can record max. 15 minutes and I was expecting this one to take 20 minutes so it consists of two clips. The clip change is in 27:11 31:44 G stage 4 Fun and cinematic but feels like it takes forever. I developed pretty solid strategy but still there is some RNG involved on how often the boss wastes limited time on climbing around. Big and scary monster appears. The first thing Claire does is poking its eye with a small knife and shouting "Why u no die!" Funny if you stop thinking about it... 39:47 G stage 5 Epic 41:04 Super Tyrant It can be killed only with the rocket launcher. I used the knife to stagger the boss at the beginning to make the rocket launcher appear slightly sooner. Tactic here is to stay close to him to trigger his next move as soon as possible to avoid being chased to a corner. If he does the 3 hit combo (no jumping finish), keep running away because the next attack comes out fast. Any other attack has a long cool down time. I was fraction of a second away from getting hit in the end but the cutscene saved me :D The most clutch ending I have ever had in my channel.