Responsorial Psalm, January 1st, Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, Octave Day of Christmas, Psalm 67
Shalom brethren. Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. 1st January is New Year’s Day, also regarding the Nativity of the Lord it marks the first octave of Jesus’ birth, and the day he was circumcised. The Church marks it as ‘World Day of Peace”. On this day also, the church marks the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. The opening theme of the day, and which generally most of us pray for, is Blessings. Yes, looking back at the ending year in gratitude, but importantly, looking ahead and realizing we need God’s presence and blessings for the year ahead. The Responsorial Psalm of the day has the theme of blessings as well. Psalm 67 generally, is one of the trilogies of Kingdom Psalms – that is Psalms 65, 66, and 67. Their theme is the millennial Kingdom when Jesus shall rule from the earth. It echoes the 1st reading from the Book of Numbers 6:22-27, in which God instructs how His Name shall be put forth among His people and thereby bless them. The Psalmist prays for God’s grace, mercy, and blessings. Not for selfish purposes, but that through the blessings, the Lord’s ways may be known upon the earth and all peoples may learn of God’s salvation. God rules and guides his people with uprightness and therefore the nations are to express their joy. At the end of it all, upon God’s blessings which are fulfilled by way of Jesus’s saving grace, shall the earth revere him. Yes, God continues to bless us to establish His Kingdom among us and upon all the earth. May God’s blessing continue to be upon us, and may this in return cause us to be a blessing to others as well. O God, be gracious and bless us. AMEN.