Five Little penguins /Funny 3D Kindergarten Baby song Nursery Rhymes Song
Five little penguins went out one day Over the hills and far away Mother penguin said, quack, quack, quack But only four Baby penguins came back 1, 2, 3, 4 Four little penguins went out one day Over the hills and far away Mother penguin said, quack, quack, quack But only three Baby penguins came back 1, 2, 3 Three little penguins went out one day Over the hills and far away Mother penguin said, quack, quack, quack But only two Baby penguins came back That's not done 1, 2 Two Baby penguins went out one day Over the hills and far away Mother penguin said, quack, quack, quack But only one Baby penguins came back Something is wrong 1 One Baby penguin went out one day Over the hills and far away Mother penguin said, quack, quack, quack But no Baby penguin came back Sad Mommy penguin went out one day Over the hills and far away Mother penguin said, quack, quack, quack All five Baby penguins came back 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Five Baby penguins went out one day Over the hills and far away Mother penguin said, quack, quack, quack All five Baby penguins came backFive little baby penguins love the snow and as soon as they get a chance, they run away to play in the snow. When mom called them, only four little penguins come back. Would you like to help mom find this missing baby penguin?? 00:06 Five Little Funny Penguin 02:27 T. Rex Finger Family Song 04:27 Royal Sharks & Mermaid 06:18 Police Shark Do Do 08:15 Baby T. Rex Doo Doo 10:20 Animals - Tail Tail Tail Song 12:29 Baby Shark Sing and Dance 14:28 I am Tyrannosaurus Rex (Dinosaur) 16:56 Baby Plane Zoom Zoom 18:44 Baby Shark Do Do Superheroes 20:30 ABC song 22:59 Did You Ever See My Squirrel Tail? 25:12 Five Baby Planes 27:20 Baby Car Pom Pom Halloween 29:20 Jingle Bells