Holy Mass November 22 Tuesday I 5.30 am I Malayalam I Syro Malabar I Fr Bineesh Augustine
The church describes the Holy Mass as the source and summit of Christian life. It teaches that through consecration by an ordained priest the bread and wine become the sacrificial body , blood, soul, and divinity of Christ as the sacrifice on calvary made truly present once again on the altar. പ്രാർത്ഥന നിയോഗങ്ങൾ പരിശുദ്ധ കുർബാനയിൽ തീർച്ചയായും സ്മരിക്കുന്നതാണ് St. Mary's Assumption church Ezhikkara , North Paravoor Fr. Bineesh Augustine Poonoly 9495371494 / @kunnumpuramchurch / @kunnumpuramchurch #Comment_Your_Prayer_request Facebook ⛪️ ✔️ : https://www.facebook.com /KunnumpuramChurch Facebook ✔️ : / fr.bineeshau. . 🌼 Playlist :: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIl ... 🌻 ⛪️ Location :: https://rb.gy/yr65z1 🔘 👉My Whatsapp ✔️ :: https://wa.me/ 919495371494 # വിശുദ്ധ_കുർബാന # പരിശുദ്ധ_കുർബാന SundayHolyMass SyrianQurbana MalayalamQurbana HolyMassLive RCSC SyroMalabarRite Live HolyBible ShalomWorld Premiere HolyMassLive MalayalamHolyMass HolySpirit HolyRosary ShalomTelevision sehion ChurchToday Shalomtv Rosary ErnakulamAngamaly Archdiocese Goodnesstv FrBineesh #abhishekagni #FrBineeshAugustine #FrBineeshPoonoly #frdanielpoovannathil #frxavierkhanvattayil #elshaddaitv #danielachan #gospel #MissaAntipolensis #onlineHolyMass #frjacobmanjalycomedy #priestviralspeech # Covid19 #OnlineMass #Christianity #frdanielpoovanathilnew #catechism #frdanielpoovannathillatesttalk #hope #srcarmelneelamkavil #SrCarmel #vattiyilachan #frjincecheenkallel #frdominiclatesttalk #FrDavisChiramel #frjacobmanjalyspeech #HolyLight #shekinahtelevision #deliverence #INRI #naveenukken #frnaveenukken #baptist #SehionMinistry #LatinRite #romancatholic #HolyFire #Spiritual #JesusYouth #kerala #Adoration #Power #Soul #frjince #india #FrBineeshAugustinePoonoly #Poonoly #SyroMalabarArchdiocese #LatinMass #SyrianCatholic #Syrian #RCSC #Vatican #HolyBread #Kreupasanam #ChurchNews #ChristianNews #sundayshalom #kl #bibleverses #frjacobmanjaly #idukki #livestreaming #catechismernakulam #DomusCat #YoutubeLiveHolyMass #kottayam #Alappuzha #Cherthala #Hosana #Pattanakkad #Kunnumpuram #HolyBlood #CherthalaForane #StJude #StThomas #StPius #StAntony #StJohn #StGeorge #StSebastian #OurLadyOfMercy #OurLady #KeralaCatholic #DivineRetreatCentre #Divinetv #shekinahtelevisionlive #stmarys #StJoseph #AveMaria