Best career options for civil engineers in 2025 with options of Enterprenuership| Civil Engineering
Hello everyone, in this video I have explained 5 emerging career trends for civil engineers. A lot of civil engineers are frustrated with their career as the most known options for civil engieers i.e. site engineer jobs are very very frustrating and disappointing in terms of salary, work culture and growth. The career options I have described are not only rewarding and have high growth opportunity, they have a niche towards enterprenuership. So those of you who are thinking about cons of becoming a contractor if you want to start something of your own, these career paths provide alternate options for enerprenuership. I have detailed out 5 emerging career trends that include: Green Building specialist, construction technology specialist, Disaster management specialist, Geospatial data scientist and smart city infrastructure engineer. I hope this video will open up new opportunities for all. #civilengineering #careerguidence #growth #privatejobs #jobsforcivilengineers #jobsforfreshers #collegestudies #collegestudent #governmentjobs #alternatestart #careerlessknown For querries, contact me at : manasdey.cpwd@gmail.com for personal content, join me in instagram: manas_dey Join my other channel for vlogs: / @manas_dey Other useful videos: All you need to know about MBA and GMAT: • ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT GMAT | MBA... Btech Civil Engineering| Struggling Career | Should You Switch to IT, do MBA!! | Current Scenario: • Btech Civil Engineering| Struggling C... Know this before you start preparation for government jobs: • Know this before you start preparatio... Become a member for latest civil engineering and career updates: / @manas_dey Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 1:16 Green Building expert 4:10 Geospatial data scientist 7:16 Smartcity infrastructure engineer 10:10 Construction technology expert 11:56 Disaster management specialist