English Learning Podcast Conversationšļø Episode 105 | Intermediate | Improve English Speaking Skills
Intermediate Conversation Podcast | Episode 105 | Improve Speaking Skills Easy Podcast For Learning English | English Podcast For Learning English | English Podcast | Podcast English - #englishpodcast #learnenglish #englishspeakingpractice Episode 105. Intermediate. The Office - Job Well Done (105) A: And so, that concludes my outline for our marketing strategy next year. Thank you very much for your time. B: Hey, that was quite the presentation! Honestly, I was completely blown away by your strategy outline. Iāve gotta say, Alex, you really wowed me today. A: Aw, come on; it was nothing. Iām just doing my job. B: No, I think you deserve some recognition here; I mean, if I look back on your previous presentations, this is a huge improvement. A: Well, Kristin did give me a hand with the slides. Sheās a real wiz on PowerPoint. B: And I saw that you took on board my feedback about pricing strategies. I really appreciate you taking the time to think though my suggestions. A: Yeah, well, that was some good advice. You made some really good points. B: Well, I just wanted to say well done. Really you did a great job. English Podcast Learn English With Podcast Learn English With Podcasts Learn English With Podcast Conversation Learn English Through Podcast English Learning Podcast Learning English Podcast English Podcast For Learning English English Podcast For Beginners #English language learning podcasts #Learn English through podcasts #Podcast-based English lessons #English improvement with podcasts #Podcast English practice #English listening skills podcast #Conversational English podcasts #English immersion podcasts #Authentic English dialogue podcasts #English vocabulary building podcasts #Podcast lessons for English learners #Intermediate English podcast lessons #Advanced English listening practice podcasts #English pronunciation podcasts #Real-life English conversations podcasts #Idioms and slang in English podcasts #Podcast-enhanced English fluency #English language learning via podcasts #Podcast-driven English comprehension #English podcast comprehension training @33.nguyenbathanh17 @abdulhakiamoussa1083 @AbuBakerMustafa-hr9bf @achanjuoyboh7454 @ahmadmajareesh6172 @ahmedosama2217 @anakagungadisetiawan5064 @annisafiqih6572 @Beauty_250 @belenaraceliruiz4046 @belenaraceliruiz4046 @bergas975 @Beruntungchannel @clubedoremo323 @codingzone746 @DanielHtun @DanZ-fq2qs @Dark-Paradise @Dayoom33 @didasuwarida3922 @dosenswasta @DovudHusanov-bt8sn @dr.gamelistening @Englishquizz754 @fatimahschara5396 @glory4488 @gokipurba5788 @hacronimo @hansikasandeepani3616 @harisnandalubis @herdidn_1750 @hermawanyulianto2645 @hilaltufenk895 @HuongLe-qj6xi @idashelton9584 @iftekharhuq2120 @inzamamulsayyedsarwarsayye7897 @irbohim110 @jesusgalvan7022 @juancarlossantanagarcia8740 @juliocesarbarbosa1334 @klausrunning @lamtuvi @lenora61 @LienPham-ug5sv @MaashiNarangoda-vj6sh @MaoTse-ls8rz @masudah7694 @maulashanum5636 @mdamjadali-0253 @minhhoavo9556 @mohamedab_ziad9714 @mohamedenatighk @mohamedenatighk @momoPrincekabaro @mozamilmusa164 @msdyan3179 @MustafamohammedMustafaali @naielyvitoria8086 @nbl1582 @oleg12395 @pablopaitan7015 @pejuang53jam89 @PhucHoang-lx6if @phuongthao-dv7qp @ranjiths5141 @raphaelmateus30 @raziehhabibi3219 @Rejina913 @RimuelGarces-fb1in @SaraAlwadeai-kv8gu @SAU4SAU @sayurimegretdelis697 @seyedjalal4774 @shaggylip @Shiro99King @sulistiyanwijaya9916 @suryashukla8669 @syedaamna4751 @thanhhuynh-je6uo @thaomai5653 @thaonguyen-nh3dz @thienkhantrannguyen2643 @thirizaw9713 @triwati821 @user-dh9yn9jg6i @user-dp8qh2gb7s @user-ef2kt3yv4w @user-jd6wv4us7o @user-kz3oj6yl7e @user-lj6ng6zw9c @user-nt5gp2sn1i @user-pe7bd2bj6c @user-qz4hn2el4l @Weedddz @wilmerrafael6239 @YashodhaFT @YashSingh-nx7pb @yasirelfadil3605 @YenNguyen-hc6gn