Vegetables Song | cartoonsinsthas - Learning About Vegetables | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

Vegetables Song | cartoonsinsthas - Learning About Vegetables | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs

lively motown-inspired tune that teaches the names of 16 common vegetables that we eat. easy for kids to follow and each verse introduce a new vegetable. ALL Vegetable : πŸ₯• Carrots πŸ₯¦ Broccoli πŸ… Tomatoes 🌽 Corn πŸ₯’ Cucumbers πŸ₯” Potatoes πŸ§… Onions 🍠 Sweet potatoes πŸ₯— Lettuce 🌢️ Peppers πŸ₯• Radish πŸ₯¦ Cauliflower πŸ§„ Garlic πŸŽƒ Pumpkins πŸ† Eggplants πŸ„ Mushrooms SONG :- 🎢 (Verse 1 - Carrot πŸ₯•) I am Carrot! C-A-R-R-O-T! Crunch me up, so good for me! Helps your eyes, makes you strong, Eat your carrots all day long! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Cheer! πŸŽ‰) πŸ₯¬ Veggies, veggies, one, two, three, Eat them up, so strong you’ll be! πŸ† Purple, yellow, red, and green, The yummiest food you’ve ever seen! 🎢 (Verse 2 - Broccoli πŸ₯¦) I am Broccoli! B-R-O-C-C-O-L-I! Tiny trees, so good, oh my! Green and yummy, full of might, Eat your broccoli, feel so right! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Cheer! πŸŽ‰) 🎢 (Verse 3 - Tomato πŸ…) I am Tomato! T-O-M-A-T-O! Juicy, red, and soft to go! In a salad, in a stew, Tomatoes bring the best to you! 🎢 (Chorus - Dance & Clap! πŸ‘πŸ‘) 🎢 (Verse 4 - Corn 🌽) I am Corn! C-O-R-N! Golden bites, just count to ten! Pop me up or boil to eat, Corn is yummy, soft, and sweet! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Cheer! πŸŽ‰) 🎢 (Verse 5 - Cucumber πŸ₯’) I am Cucumber! C-U-C-U-M-B-E-R! Cool and crisp, the best by far! Green outside and fresh inside, Slice me up and take a bite! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Cheer! πŸŽ‰) 🎢 (Verse 6 - Potato πŸ₯”) I am Potato! P-O-T-A-T-O! Mash or bake meβ€”here we go! Brown outside and soft within, Potatoes give you strength to win! 🎢 (Chorus - Jump Around! 🀩) 🎢 (Verse 7 - Onion πŸ§…) I am Onion! O-N-I-O-N! Cook me slow or fry again! White or purple, big and small, Onions add flavor to it all! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Cheer! πŸŽ‰) 🎢 (Verse 8 - Sweet Potato 🍠) I am Sweet Potato! S-W-E-E-T P-O-T-A-T-O! Soft and tasty, here we go! Roast or boil, eat with glee, Sweet potatoes are good for me! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Cheer! πŸŽ‰) 🎢 (Verse 9 - Lettuce πŸ₯—) I am Lettuce! L-E-T-T-U-C-E! Crisp and leafy, fresh and free! In a burger or salad seen, Lettuce keeps you feeling green! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Sing! 🎀) 🎢 (Verse 10 - Peppers 🌢️) I am Pepper! P-E-P-P-E-R! Some are sweet, some full of fire! Yellow, green, or red so bright, Peppers add a tasty bite! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Cheer! πŸŽ‰) 🎢 (Verse 11 - Radish 🌿) I am Radish! R-A-D-I-S-H! Crunchy, spicy, fresh and fresh! Slice me thin and munch away, Radish makes a yummy day! (Chorus - Spin & Twirl! πŸ”„) 🎢 (Verse 12 - Garlic πŸ§„) I am Garlic! G-A-R-L-I-C! Tiny cloves, so good for me! Strong and tasty, full of power, Garlic makes the flavors flower! 🎢 (Chorus - Spin & Twirl! πŸ”„) 🎢 (Verse 13 - Pumpkin πŸŽƒ) I am Pumpkin! P-U-M-P-K-I-N! Big and round, so bright again! Make a soup or pumpkin pie, Pumpkins make us jump so high! 🎢 (Chorus - Clap & Cheer! πŸŽ‰) 🎢 (Verse 14 - Eggplant πŸ†) I am Eggplant! E-G-G-P-L-A-N-T! Soft and purple, just for me! Long and shiny, smooth to touch, Eggplants help you very much! 🎢 (Chorus - Jump Up High! 🌟) 🎢 (Verse 15 - Cauliflower πŸ₯¦) I am Cauliflower! C-A-U-L-I-F-L-O-W-E-R! Crunch me raw or cook with care! Soft and tasty, light and fun, Cauliflower’s good for everyone! (Chorus - Jump Up High! 🌟) 🎢 (Verse 16 - Mushrooms πŸ„) I am Mushroom! M-U-S-H-R-O-O-M! Soft and tasty, yum yum yum! White or brown, they love the rain, Mushrooms never go to waste! 🎢 (Final Chorus - Everybody Dance! ) πŸ₯• Veggies, veggies, one, two, three, Eat them up, so strong you’ll be! πŸ† Purple, yellow, red, and green, The yummiest food you’ve ever seen! Than You For Watching πŸ₯° !!