30 min relaxing ocean waves - high quality sound - no music - HD video of a beautiful misty beach

30 min relaxing ocean waves - high quality sound - no music - HD video of a beautiful misty beach

Beautiful 30 minute video of ocean waves rolling into a misty beach surrounded by high cliffs. Enjoy the natural sounds of the ocean (no music) in high quality stereo. Let your stress melt away by spending a half hour soaking in the beauty and peace that only nature can provide. I filmed this relaxing beach scene in The Cape of Good Hope section of Table Mountain National Park, South Africa. I love the fresh aquamarine color of the water and the soft light of the misty morning. The sounds of the waves and lapping water around the rocks was also perfect at this spot and should really help you to feel that you are right there with me. Watching relaxing nature videos is a great way to unwind after a stressful day. Many people find that they are able to calm their minds by watching scenes like this which helps them focus without letting their cares and worries overwhelm them. Ocean wave scenes are especially popular and many find that they even help them overcome insomnia. Try watching an ocean wave scene like this one before bed time and you will see how the ocean sounds and washing movements lull you to sleep. NB! - If you plan to fall asleep watching, make sure you don't leave the "autoplay" button enabled or you could wake up with a fright when the next video suggested by YouTube plays. *:( Hope you enjoy the video as much as I did filming it. Consider subscribing if you want to be notified when I upload new ocean and nature scenes. I also welcome comments and please do recommend my videos to your friends and family if you think they might like them too! :) Thanks so much for your support if you have already! If you would like to contribute financially to my project, you can do so by visiting Peaceful Scenes' Patreon page:   / peacefulscenes   Alternatively, there is a Paypal donate button on my channel banner and about page. All contributions will be used for equipment upgrades and travel/filming expenses. Thanks for your support, in whatever form it may be. Jonathan :) © Copyright - All rights reserved.