THE MOST HORRIFYING EPISODE YET?! | Telltale The Walking Dead: Season 1 - Episode 2 (FIRST PLAYTHROUGH) Join me as I play THE MOST HORRIFYING EPISODE YET?! | Telltale The Walking Dead: Season 1 - Episode 2 (Starved For Help) and navigate the consequences of my choices. Will I make the right decisions or will it all unravel? Let's find out in this second episode of Telltale The Walking Dead: Season 1! Intro: 0:00 Playthrough: 1:00 Discord ➤  / discord   TikTok ➤   / notayokrob   Twitter ➤   / ayokrob   Main Channel ➤ ​⁠ @AyoKRob Music track: floral by massobeats Source: Royalty Free Background Music Play as Lee Everett, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chance at life in a world devastated by the undead. With corpses returning to life and survivors stopping at nothing to maintain their own safety, protecting an orphaned girl named Clementine may offer him redemption in a world gone to hell. Experience events, meet people and visit locations that foreshadow the story of Deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes. A tailored game experience – actions, choices and decisions you make will affect how your story plays out across the entire series. #telltalegames #telltale #thewalkingdead #playthrough #berleezy #coryxkenshin #dashiegames the walking dead the telltale definitive series gameplay season 1 episode 2,the walking dead the telltale definitive series season 4 episode 2,the walking dead season 2 episode 4 telltale,the walking dead the telltale definitive series season 2 episode 5 leave kenny,telltale games the walking dead season 2 episode 1 reaction,the walking dead season 2 episode 2 telltale,telltale the walking dead season1 episode 2 trailer,the walking dead season 3 episode 2 telltale,the walking dead telltale season 2 episode 4 sarah death,the walking dead telltale season 2 episode 4,telltale the walking dead season 2 episode 5 trailer,the walking dead the telltale definitive series season 2 episode 2,the walking dead telltale season 2 ending ost credits episode 2,the walking dead telltale season 4 episode 2,the walking dead telltale season 2 episode 3 all endings,the walking dead the telltale definitive series season 2 episode 3,the walking dead telltale season 2 episode 5,the walking dead telltale season 2 episode 4 ending song,the walking dead telltale season 2 episode 5 ps 4,telltale the walking dead episode 2,the walking dead telltale episode 2,the walking dead telltale season 1 episode 2 clems haat,the walking dead the telltale definitive season one episode 2,the walking dead season 4 episode 2 telltale, starved for help,coryxkenshin,berleezy,dashiegames