Adverbs: Degrees of comparison | Positive, comparative and superlative adverbs for kids |

Adverbs: Degrees of comparison | Positive, comparative and superlative adverbs for kids |

Adverbs: Degrees of comparison | Positive, comparative and superlative adverbs for kids | Click here to subscribe my channel In this video you will learn about what is adverb and degrees of adverb. Adverb:  An adverb is a word that discribes or modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb, clause or sentence. It tells about an action, how an action is done and where an action is done and when an action is done. Eg. The bus stops here. The word here tells us the place of action. The birds sang happily. The word happily tells about how the birds sang. There are three degrees in adverb. 1.Positive (when we say only about one person) 2. Comparative(when we compare two person) 3 Superlative (when we compare one person with everyone) For eg. Meena is walking slowly. (positive) Teena is walking more slowly than Meena. (comparative) Reena is walking the most slowly of them all. (superlative) Here the adverb in the positive degree is slowly, comparative degree is more slowly and superlative degree is most slowly. There are some rules in the comparison of adverbs. 1.If the adverb is of one syllable, we add - er to its comparative degree and - est to its superlative degree. Fast      Faster.        Fastest Early.    Earlier.        Earliest 2. For adverbs ending with ly, we use more to form comparative and most to form superlative degree. Beautifully.   More beautifully.   Most beautifully Bravely.   More Bravely.    Most Bravely 3. Some adverbs have irregular forms of degree. Bad.     Worse.       Worst Little.      Less.     Least If you have any doubts you can ask me in the comments section below. I will be happy to help you. Also see- uses of is, am, are -    • Is, am, are trick| Use of is, am, are...   Also see - Uses of was and were -    • Uses of was/were | English grammar wa...   Also see - Articles a, an, the -    • Articles :A, An, The - English Gramma...   Also see - Uses of Do & Does-    • Use of do and does|English grammar | ...   Also see - Uses of Has & Have -    • Uses of has/have | English grammar ha...   Also see - uses of these, that, these and those-    • Uses of This, That, These & Those | E...   Also see - How to improve handwriting -    • How to improve handwriting |Handwriti...   Also see  - parts of speech-   • Parts of speech | Noun | pronoun | Ve...   Also see - Nouns and kinds of noun (common noun & proper noun) -   • What is a noun? | kinds of noun | Com...   Also see - Nouns and kinds of noun (collective noun & material nouns) -    • What is a noun? | kinds of noun | Col...   Also see - Nouns- concrete and abstract-   • Nouns - Concrete and Abstract | Diffe...   Also see -  Nouns - singular and plural nouns-   • Singular and plural nouns | Nouns by ...   Also see - Sentences and phrases -    • Sentences & phrases | Difference betw...   Also see - Subject and predicate -    • Subject and predicate in a sentence |...   Also see - Kinds of Sentences -    • Kinds of sentences | Declarative /Ass...   Also see - How to teach poem in primary classes-   • How to teach a poem for primary stude...   Also see - English poem |The Fidgety Philip | -    • English poem |The Fidgety Philip |   Also see - How to install Innostud App-   • Video   Also see - English story The Clever  Merchant -    • English story - The Clever Merchant |...   Also see - Homophones in English -    • Homophones in English | List of commo...   #suman'sacademy #comparisonofadverbsinenglishgrammar #comparisonofadverbsexamples #comparisonofadverbsworksheetgrade4 #degreesofcomparisonofadverbs #comparisonofadverbsexercises #comparisonofadverbslist #comparisonofadverbslessonplan #whatisanadverbandexamplesofadverb #whatisanadverbforkids #basicgrammar #positivecomparativesuperlative