CS50’s Web Programming Course FULL REVIEW

CS50’s Web Programming Course FULL REVIEW

CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript Course Review If you have been following this blog and/or my Youtube channel, you know how big a fan I am of CS50’s original course — Introduction to Computer Science. CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript - https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50s-... CS50's Introduction to Computer Science - https://www.edx.org/course/introducti... After finishing that course, to my delight, I saw that they have many other follow-up courses such as their CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python as well as this one, CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript, which is the topic of this review. Just like the previous course, CS50 Web is divided into 8 “weeks” (I like to think of these as just ‘sections’, as you can spend any time you want with each), each consisting of a roughly 2-hour video lecture, accompanying lecture notes as well as a project which applies the contents learned in that week’s materials. As you’ll see, this time the projects are much more substantial than the original CS50’s problem sets. This is also the biggest difference compared to the original CS50. The projects are much more involved and difficult, often taking me several days each to complete. But I think this is actually a very good thing, for several reasons which I will discuss a bit later. You’ll essentially learn how to build full web applications on your own using the Django Python framework. In fact, you’ll already build several of these during the course. To my initial disappointment, another difference from CS50 is that CS50 Web is not taught by the renowned David Malan, but instead by CS50’s assistant teacher Brian Yu. This disappointment was quickly forgotten as I got used to Brian’s equally engaging and intuitive teaching style. Just like David, he explains concepts extremely clearly and in a way that makes you genuinely excited about the topics. STUDY & CODING RESOURCES 💰 BEST COURSES TO LEARN TO CODE FROM ZERO & GET A JOB. Use Code FRIENDS10 for 10% off - https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/af... ➕ BEST COURSE TO LEARN DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS - https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/af... 📗 BEST BOOK TO PASS CODING INTERVIEWS - https://amzn.to/3i8B8EK 📱 BEST MOBILE DEVELOPMENT COURSE - https://click.linksynergy.com/link?id... MY BLOG 📗 JOIN MEDIUM TO ACCESS MY BLOG CONTENT -   / membership   DESK SETUP GEAR ⌨️ BEST KEYBOARD FOR PROGRAMMERS - https://amzn.to/3Ly2mSD 🖱 BEST PRODUCTIVITY MOUSE - https://amzn.to/3gF7MgH 🔊 MY SPEAKERS - https://amzn.to/3waA5MP 🎧 MY HEADSET - https://amzn.to/3CNkdkt 💻 M1 MACBOOK AIR - https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-mac/ma... PC PARTS LIST 💻 https://pcpartpicker.com/user/thomazo... FILMMAKING & YOUTUBE GEAR 📸 MY CAMERA FOR YOUTUBE VIDEOS - https://amzn.to/3BjU7Vv 🎤 MY MIC - https://amzn.to/34Q1QP6 💡 AMAZING CHEAP SOFTBOX LIGHT - https://amzn.to/3szPkeY 📹 BEST AFFORDABLE GIMBAL - https://amzn.to/34VKGPZ 🎥 JOBY GORILLAPOD - https://amzn.to/3w5M66d 🛸 CHEAP MINI DRONE - https://amzn.to/3HOjwJA OTHER VIDEOS 💻 How I Learned to Code in 4 MONTHS - & Got a Software Engineer Job (no CS Degree) -    • How I Learned to Code in 4 MONTHS & G...   ⌨️ How I'm Teaching Myself Computer Science using Notion (OSSU) -    • How I'm Teaching Myself Computer Scie...   🖱 CS50 FULL REVIEW - Best Course to Learn Computer Science in 2022? (edX, Harvard) -    • CS50 FULL REVIEW  - Best Course to Le...   💻 WEBSITE - www.internetmadecoder.com 📸 FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM -   / internetmcoder   WHO AM I? This channel documents my life as a Self-Taught Software Engineer as well as my journey teaching myself Computer Science & Programming. 0:00 Intro 1:00 CS50 vs CS50 Web 2:33 The Lectures 4:56 The Projects 6:40 But, is it hard? 9:05 Should you do it? Tags: cs50, cs50web, harvard university, harvard cs, harvard computer science, edx, mooc, David malan, brian yu, best online course to learn computer science, coding, programming, software engineer, self taught programmer, web app, how to become a software engineer, self-taught software developer, no cs degree, learn computer science, programmer, getting a programming job, web developer,code bootcamp vs college DISCLAIMER: some of the links in the description may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service using the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. This is no extra charge to you!