Index Funds vs ETF vs Mutual Funds in Hindi - Which is The Best? Difference?

Index Funds vs ETF vs Mutual Funds in Hindi - Which is The Best? Difference?

Confused between index funds, ETF and, mutual funds? Which one should you choose? Learn what index funds, ETFs and Mutual funds are, the difference between them, pros and cons of index funds, ETFs and mutual funds in this video in Hindi. I have also demonstrated how you can find these three to invest in through 'Dhan' app. ETF and index funds are similar concepts, ETF stands for Exchange Traded Funds while Index fund is a scheme in mutual funds. Index fund being a scheme of mutual funds functions like one where you have to invest within a specific time to get the NAB for the same day and if you get late, you receive the NAV for the next day. With ETFs, you can invest your money in real time, throughout the day from the market's opening time till it closes. More Videos: How to Buy ETF With MTF:    • How to Buy ETF with MTF - MTF से ETF ...   How to Invest in Index Funds in India:    • How to Invest in Index Funds in India...   Mutual Fund Kya hai, Kaise Kaam Karta hai, Invest Kaise Kare:    • Mutual Fund Kya Hai, Kaise Kaam Karta...   Top Mutual Fund Schemes, Best Mutual Funds in 2024:    • Top Mutual Fund Schemes, Best Mutual ...   How to do SIP in Mutual Funds, SIP in Dhan App:    • How to Do SIP in Mutual Funds? Mutual...   #stockstarindia