First Time Watching: The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 'Wildfire'

First Time Watching: The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 'Wildfire'

Hello! This is my start to watching TWD! If you want to suggest a Movie for me to watch feel free! I'll watch ANYTHING pretty much! It doesn't have to be just ground-breaking movies too, I love all flavors of cinema from goofy rubber-suit Godzilla movies to serious movies like The Green Mile. Feel free to go to my Letterboxd account it is https://boxd. it/ 1YaX (Youtube won't let me put a link so just remove the spaces between ". it/ 1YaX" and that will take you there and I've added a BUNCH of stuff to my watch list! So feel free to look through it and suggest something if you want!