A Plague Tale: Innocence | Walkthrough | Chapter 2 - The Strangers

A Plague Tale: Innocence | Walkthrough | Chapter 2 - The Strangers

"The Strangers" is the second chapter of A Plague Tale: Innocence. It explores more of the story and introduces the first instance of combat as well as a semi-boss fight Summary Amicia and Hugo flee the Inquisition and wash up on the riverbank near a village. They discover a plague in the town, causing the villagers to hide and panic. The siblings are chased by an angry mob led by Conrad Malfort, but find shelter with an old lady named Clervie. She helps Amicia upgrade her sling and advises them to seek out Laurentius at the hospice or the monks at the church. Amicia reveals the truth about their mother's death to Hugo, causing him to act up and run away. Amicia kills a hostile villager and reencounters Conrad, who holds Hugo, the hostage. She defeats Conrad and removes his armor, but the angry crowd forces them to take cover in the church. If you like the video, click the like button, comment below, and subscribe the channel for more videos. #aplaguetaleinnocence #ps #pcgaming #aplaguetale #virtualphotography #asobostudio #gaming #gamer #photomode #videogames #focushomeinteractive #games #game #reddeadredemption #rdr #amiciaderune #psblog #virtualphotographer #gamephotography #share #gamingphotography #amicia #videogame #aplaguetaleinnocenceedit #plague #psshare #pc #ingamephotography #thestrangers