Making Magnificent Decorative Items from Plastic Water Bottles | Recycling Ideas โป๏ธ
#craftideas #recycling #craftideas #recycle #diy #ideas #doityourself #handicrafts #homedecor #decoration #easydiy #diyideas #satisfying #relaxing #craft #craftideas #howtomake #fabric #recyclingprojects #sustainability #zerowaste #eco-friendly #naturefriendlyprojects #respectfornature #reuse #wastemanagement #juterope #plasticwaterbottle #wickerribbon#hotglue Today we are doing a great project with recycled materials! I designed a stylish box using a plastic container and jute rope. This project, both practical and environmentally friendly, is a great way to reuse waste materials at home. Don't forget to watch the video to learn how to do it step by step! You can beautify your home and contribute to nature with such recycling projects. Materials: #plastic water bottle #jute rop #thin jute rope #hot glue #thick wicker ribbon #thin wicker ribbon ๐Check out other videos here: @creativediyandcraft Subscribe to this channel, don't forget to like this video, click the bell to turn on notifications and of course write your ideas in the comments! I wish you all creative inspiration ๐๐