Top 10 Anti Cancer Foods - YOU NEED TO EAT THESE!
The following are the top 10 anti-cancer foods. Whether you want to use nutrition to prevent cancer, optimize your diet to treat cancer, or prevent cancer recurrence, you should find this video useful. We go over the top ten food groups that have been shown to have anti-cancer properties. Many of them work to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, blood vessel growth that supplies cancer cells, or directly kill cancer cells (apoptosis). Much of the research on nutrition and cancer is promising, but more research is required. These foods are not intended to replace the treatment recommended by your providers, but rather as an adjuvant treatment that your body can use to stay as healthy as possible. Berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, are high in antioxidants and phytochemicals. Anthocyanins, the flavonoids responsible for berries' vibrant colors, have been found to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties. These compounds have the ability to neutralize harmful free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and inhibit cancer cell growth and spread. Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a carotenoid pigment that gives tomatoes their vibrant red color. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that can protect cells from free radical damage. Green tea has been consumed for centuries and is well-known for its numerous health benefits. It contains a type of polyphenol known as catechins, specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Walnuts: A nutrient-dense tree nut known for its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. Walnut omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Flaxseeds are small seeds that contain a variety of beneficial components such as omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and fiber. Lignans, in particular, have been shown to have anti-cancer properties through their ability to interfere with hormone-related cancers such as breast and prostate cancer. 💪Stay strong. Your story isn't over yet! 🔔 Help us by SUBSCRIBE to the channel: / @criticalcustomerreviews 🎬 Don't Miss: What happens to your body when you Eat 2 Eggs every day • What happens to your body when you Ea... What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Ginger Everyday: Surprising Benefits of Ginger • What Happens To Your Body When You Ea... 16 HIDDEN Signs Your Body Is Trying To WARN You About Something! • 16 HIDDEN Signs Your Body Is Trying T... What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 2 Cloves Every Day: Benefits of Cloves • What Happens To Your Body When You Ea... What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Pumpkin Seeds Every Day - Pumpkin Seeds Benefits • What Happens To Your Body When You Ea... Collagen RICH Foods (12 Surprising Foods) Anti-Aging Benefits! • Collagen RICH Foods (12 Surprising Fo... I EAT These TOP 11 Foods To REVERSE AGING| Start EATING These EVERY DAY! • I EAT These TOP 11 Foods To REVERSE A... 🎬 Related Videos: Top 10 Anti Cancer Foods - YOU NEED TO EAT THESE! • Top 10 Anti Cancer Foods - YOU NEED T... Cancer Dies When You Eat These 12 Foods (Cancer SECRETS) • Cancer Dies When You Eat These 12 Foo... Cancer Dies When You Eat These 10 Foods • Cancer Dies When You Eat These 10 Foods Cancer Dies When You Start Eating These 5 Foods • Cancer Dies When You Start Eating The... 🛑 Disclaimer: The information in this video is only meant to be educational and informative. The given details shouldn't be used in place of expert medical guidance, diagnosis, or care. Always ask your doctor or other knowledgeable healthcare professionals for advice if you have any concerns about a medical condition. Never disregard or put off seeking professional medical advice because of something you read or saw on this channel. You solely assume all risk if you rely on any information obtained through this channel. #cancernutrition #anticancer #cancerprevention #cancerfighter #cancersurvivor #breastcancer