The Last of Us Remake LEFT BEHIND 100% Guide All Collectibles & Trophies
A guide showing the location of all collectibles and chapter-specific trophies in the "Left Behind" bonus story chapter of The Last of Us Part 1 Remake. Nothing is missable, you can use Chapter Select to get anything you missed. TIMESTAMPS 00:00 - Artifact 1 00:28 - Artifact 2 & 3 01:35 - Artifact 4 01:51 - Artifact 5 02:14 - Optional conversation 1 02:29 - Optional conversation 2-3 03:03 - Optional conversation 4-6 04:00 - Optional conversation 7 04:14 - Optional conversation 8 04:34 - Optional conversation 9 04:52 - Optional conversation 10 05:04 - Optional conversation 11 05:29 - Trophy: Brick Master & Optional conversation 12 05:54 - Artifact 6 06:06 - Artifact 7 06:23 - Artifact 8 06:31 - Artifact 9 06:53 - Artifact 10 07:05 - Optional conversation 13 & Artifact 11 07:29 - Optional conversation 14 07:47 - Optional conversation 15 08:11 - Artifact 12 08:20 - Trophy: Nobody's Perfect 08:44 - Trophy: Angel Knives 09:01 - Trophy: Skillz 09:12 - Artifact 13 09:34 - Artifact 14 10:15 - Trophy: Live Bait #TheLastOfUsPart1 #TheLastOfUsRemake #NaughtyDog #SonyInteractiveEntertainment