Real and Complex Numbers (Chapter 2) Exercise 2.6 (Solved) | Class 9 Mathematics (In Urdu)

Real and Complex Numbers (Chapter 2) Exercise 2.6 (Solved) | Class 9 Mathematics (In Urdu)

In this video, I'm going to solve Exercise 2.6 of Class 9 Chapter 2 "Real and Complex Numbers". CHAPTER 2 - REAL AND COMPLEX NUMBERS EXERCISE 2.6 (TIMELINE) 1. Identify the following statements as True or False. (i) 0:10 (ii) 0:55 (iii) 1:46 (iv) 2:10 (v) 2:57 (vi) 4:18 (vii) 5:53 2. Express each complex number in the standard form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers. (i) 7:51 (ii) 8:37 (iii) 9:14 (iv) 9:41 3. Simplify and write your answer in the form a + bi. (i) 12:28 (ii) 13:56 (iii) 16:03 (iv) 17:10 4. Simplify and write your answer in the form a + bi. (i) 18:13 (ii) 19:37 (iii) 21:30 (iv) 23:27 (v) 25:53 (vi) 27:00 5. Calculate (a) z (with bar over it) (b) z + z (with bar over it) (c) z - z (with bar over it) (d) zz (with bar over it), for each of the following. (i) 28:54 (ii) 30:25 (iii) 32:09 (iv) 34:29 6. If z = 2 + 3i and w = 5 -- 4i, show that (i) 41:37 (ii) 44:41 (iii) 47:29 (iv) 52:00 (v) 59:16 (vi) 1:00:10 7. Solve the following equations for real x and y. (i) 1:01:04 (ii) 1:06:49 (iii) 1:11:39 CHAPTER 2: REAL AND COMPLEX NUMBERS (Complete Exercises)    • CHAPTER 2 REAL AND COMPLEX NUMBERS   Now I'd like to hear from you: Did you understand all the steps in the above solutions, or is there anything for which you need more clarification? Let me know. I read every comment. Cheers, Ubaid