Got | Rid | Faint | Ready | Tall | Meaning in Hindi with Examples | मतलब हिंदी में

Got | Rid | Faint | Ready | Tall | Meaning in Hindi with Examples | मतलब हिंदी में

Got | Rid | Faint | Ready | Tall | Meaning in Hindi with Examples | मतलब हिंदी में About this video:- How are you all? Doing good? In this video we will look at the Hindi meaning of 5 English words. These words are got, rid, faint, ready and tall. After looking at the Hindi meaning of these 5 English words, we look at their example sentences. This will give you an idea about the practical use of these words. So let us begin to understand the Hindi meaning of these 5 words. E-book PDF Link Queries that I solve in this video: 1) Got Meaning in Hindi 2) Got Meaning 3) Got in Hindi 4) Rid Meaning in Hindi 5) Rid Meaning 6) Meaning of Rid in Hindi 7) Faint Meaning in Hindi 8) Faint Meaning 9) Meaning of Faint in Hindi 10) Ready Meaning in Hindi 11) Ready Meaning 12) Tall Meaning in Hindi 13) Tall Meaning 14) Rid in Hindi 15) Faint in Hindi 16) Ready in Hindi 17) Tall in Hindi 18) Got means in Hindi 19) Meaning of Got in Hindi 20) Got Ka Hindi Meaning 21) Hindi Meaning of Got 22) Hindi Meaning of Rid 23) Rid Hindi Meaning 24) Faint Hindi Meaning 25) Tall means in Hindi 26) Ready Ka Hindi Meaning 27) Hindi Meaning of Ready The first word whose Hindi meaning we are going to look at today is the word got. Got meaning in Hindi is mila. So if you want to say mila in English, then you can make use of the word get. Example sentences are 1) He got the first prize. 2) I got your application for the job. The second got meaning is anubhav hona. The third got meaning is ho gaya. Example sentence is 1) He has got a flu. The fourth got meaning is lekar aana. The fifth got meaning is praapt. The seventh got meaning is aana ya jaana. Example sentence is 1) You got home late. The eight got meaning is kisi sthiti ya sthaan mein aana. The ninth got meaning is pakad lena. Got in Hindi is mila. You should watch this video if you don’t know what got means in Hindi. Meaning of got in Hindi is also anubhav hona. Got Ka Hindi meaning also corresponds to praapt. Hindi meaning of got will become clear to you after watching this video. The second word that we are going to look at today is the word rid. Rid meaning in Hindi is chutkaara. Example sentence is 1) Boil the peel to rid it of bitterness. 2) Wash the vegetables to rid it of dirt. The second rid meaning is mukt hona. Meaning of rid in Hindi is chutkaara. Rid in Hindi is explained with examples. Hindi meaning of rid is also mukt hona. Rid Hindi meaning is explained with examples. Link to my other videos are here: Learn How to Frame a Sentence in English    • How To Frame a Sentence in English Hindi   Learn How to Use Simple Present tense    • How to Use Simple Present Tense with ...   The third word whose Hindi meaning we are going to look at today is the word faint. Faint meaning in Hindi is behosh hona. So if you want to say behosh hona in English, then you can make use of the word faint. Example sentences are 1) He fainted because of the heat. 2) When he saw blood, he fainted. The second faint meaning is dheema. The third faint meaning is ehoshi ke kareeb kamzor lagna aur chakkar aana. The fourth faint meaning is chhoti si or halka. Meaning of faint in Hindi is behosh hona. Faint in Hindi is also dheema. Faint Hindi meaning is also chhoti si or halka. The fourth word that we are going to look at today is the word ready. Ready meaning in Hindi is tayyar. So if you want to say tayyar in English, then you can make use of the word ready. Example sentences are 1) Are you ready, John? 2) I was getting ready to go out. The second ready meaning is aasaani se uplabd hona. Example sentence is 1) The milk is readily available. The third ready meaning is tatpar. Ready in Hindi is tayyar. Ready Ka Hindi meaning is also tatpar. Hindi meaning of ready also corresponds to aasaani se uplabd hona. The fifth word whose Hindi meaning we are going to look at today is the word tall. Tall meaning in Hindi is lamba. So if you want to say lamba in English, then you can make use of the word tall. Example sentences are 1) He is tall. 2) Only tall people can climb it. The second tall meaning is ooncha. Tall meaning in Hindi is lamba. Tall in Hindi is explained with examples. If you don’t know what tall means in Hindi then you should watch this video. In the end we look at some exercise where you need to fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the option of words given above. If you got any help from this video, then please like and share this video with your friends and family members. You can even mention in the comments below as to how could i improve the videos even more. If you want future notifications of my videos then click the subscribe button and press the bell icon so you get notified of the next video that i publish here on YouTube. My mail id is [email protected]. Thank you for watching and Keep Learning!!!!! #got,#rid,#faint,#ready,#tall,#meaninginhindi,# मतलब हिंदी में