Carol of the Bells  (PIANO TUTORIAL) EASY Piano Fácil Con Números

Carol of the Bells (PIANO TUTORIAL) EASY Piano Fácil Con Números

✅ Aprende a tocar este breve tutorial de piano echo con notas y números. Todas las lecciones de mi Canal te ayudaran a aprender rápidamente melodías fáciles en el piano, teclado o inclusive en una melódica. 🚀 Para mas contenido todos mis enlaces sociales en el siguiente link: 🔍 O si prefieres uno por uno en los siguientes enlaces: 🟡 Subscribe for more: 🟣 TikTok -   / anthony.calva   🟠 Instagram -   / anthonycalva   🔵 Twitter -   / anthonycalva_   Hashtag: #carolofthebells #PianoTutorial #navidad #pianoShorts #PianoTutorial #Piano #feliznavidad #pianofacil #pianolesson #EASYPiano #easypianotutorial #Shorts #shortspiano #shortspianotutorial #shortspianolesson #pianolessonshorts #pianotutorialshorts #easypianolessons #pianolessons #pianotips #pianotutorials #anthonycalva LYRICS OFICIAL DE LA CANCIÓN Hark how the bells Sweet silver bells All seem to say Throw cares away Christmas is here Bringing good cheer To young and old Meek and the bold Ding-dong, ding-dong That is the song With joyful ring All caroling (Oh, oh, ah) One seems to hear Words of good cheer From everywhere (From everywhere) Filling the air Oh, how they pound (Oh, how they pound) Raising their sound O'er hill and dale Telling their tale Gaily they ring While people sing songs of good cheer Christmas is here Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas On on they send On without end Their joyful tone To every home Ah, ah, ah Ding-dong, ding-dong Ding-dong, ding-dong Hark how the bells (Hark how the bells) Sweet silver bells All seem to say (All seem to say) Throw cares away (We will throw cares away) Christmas is here Bringing good cheer To young and old Meek and the bold Oh how they pound (Oh how they pound) Raising their sound O'er hill and dale Telling their tale Gaily they ring While people sing songs of good cheer Christmas is here Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas On on they send On without end Their joyful tone To every home Ah, ah, ah