DAME TU COSITA πŸ‘€ Wrong Body Parts Dance Funny Puzzle Wrong Heads

DAME TU COSITA πŸ‘€ Wrong Body Parts Dance Funny Puzzle Wrong Heads

Disclaimer: This video complies with community guidelines and does not violate any rules, including those related to child safety or spam. All content in the video was created and edited by me using Adobe Photo Shop and CapCut Pro, incorporating green screen footage and freely available images from Google. This video is intended solely for entertainment purposes, and the creator is not responsible for any potential psychological effects. DAME TU COSITA Wrong Body Parts Dance Funny Puzzle Wrong Heads dame tu cosita, alien dance, patila, patila dance, dance, el chombo, patila dance challenge, dance battle, green alien, shorts, dame tu cosita song, chombo, dame tu cosita challenge, meme, dame tu cosita el chombo, cosita #EyesThatSpy #aliendancememe #dametucosita #greenalien #aliendancjustdance #greenaliendancechallenge #aliendance #selenagomez #rema