Engineering Mechanics| EM| Unit 1|Part1| ME3351|R2021|Tamilđź‘Ť

Engineering Mechanics| EM| Unit 1|Part1| ME3351|R2021|Tamilđź‘Ť

This video clearly explains to get a pass ME3351- Engineering Mechanics in 40 Minutes (EM-MECH -3th Semester ). #EM, #ME3351, #R2021, #engineeringmechanics , #em, #mechanics , #tamil, Full Video's: EM Full video link:    • How to Pass Engineering Mechanics| |E...   Unit wise Engineering Mechanics (EM) Explanation Unit:I    • Engineering Mechanics| EM| Unit 1|Par...   Unit:II Engineering Mechanics soon..... Unit:III Engineering Mechanics soon..... Unit:IV Engineering Mechanics soon..... Unit:V Engineering Mechanics soon..... For more Details contact, Prof.T.Sudhakar:: 96268 43843 Admin : 81221 93139 [email protected] Important Question and Answers are discussed in this video Syllabus: ME3351- Engineering Mechanics UNIT I STATICS OF PARTICLES Fundamental Concepts and Principles, Systems of Units, Method of Problem Solutions, Statics of Particles Forces in a Plane, Resultant of Forces, Resolution of a Force into Components, Rectangular Components of a Force, Unit Vectors. Equilibrium of a Particle Newton’s First Law of Motion, Space and Free-Body Diagrams, Forces in Space, Equilibrium of a Particle in Space. UNIT II EQUILIBRIUM OF RIGID BODIES Principle of Transmissibility, Equivalent Forces, Vector Product of Two Vectors, Moment of a Force about a Point, Varignon’s Theorem, Rectangular Components of the Moment of a Force, Scalar Product of Two Vectors, Mixed Triple Product of Three Vectors, Moment of a Force about an Axis, Couple - Moment of a Couple, Equivalent Couples, Addition of Couples, Resolution of a Given Force into a Force -Couple system, Further Reduction of a System of Forces, Equilibrium in Two and Three Dimensions - Reactions at Supports and Connections. UNIT III DISTRIBUTED FORCES Centroids of lines and areas – symmetrical and unsymmetrical shapes, Determination of Centroids by Integration, Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus, Distributed Loads on Beams, Centre of Gravity of a Three- Dimensional Body, Centroid of a Volume, Composite Bodies, Determination of Centroids of Volumes by Integration. Moments of Inertia of Areas and Mass - Determination of the Moment of Inertia of an Area by Integration, Polar Moment of Inertia, Radius of Gyration of an Area, Parallel-Axis Theorem, Moments of Inertia of Composite Areas, Moments of Inertia of a Mass - Moments of Inertia of Thin Plates, Determination of the Moment of Inertia of a Three-Dimensional Body by Integration. UNIT IV FRICTION The Laws of Dry Friction, Coefficients of Friction, Angles of Friction, Wedge friction, Wheel Friction, Rolling Resistance, Ladder friction. UNIT V DYNAMICS OF PARTICLES Kinematics - Rectilinear Motion and Curvilinear Motion of Particles. Kinetics- Newton’s Second Law of Motion -Equations of Motions, Dynamic Equilibrium, Energy and Momentum Methods - Work of a Force, Kinetic Energy of a Particle, Principle of Work and Energy, Principle of Impulse and Momentum, Impact of bodies. EM, engineering mechanics,mechanical engineering,engineering mechanics gate,engineering mechanics mechanical engineering,engineering mechanics questions,engineering mechanics gate me,gate me engineering mechanics,engineering mechanics for gate,engineering,mechanics,engineering mechanics lectures,engineering mechanics revision,engineering mechanics gate questions,gate mechanical engineering,introduction to engineering mechanics, me3351,me3351 engineering mechanics,me3351 engineering mechanics tamil,me3351 important question,me3351 important questions,me3351 in tamil,me3351 engineering mechanics important questions,how to pass in be3351 subject,me3351 em important question,easy pass questions for me3351,engineering mechanics me3351,me3351 engineering mechanics notes,me3351 engineering mechanics unit 1,me3351 engineering mechanics syllabus,anna university me3351 important question,