Succulent All plant ☘️ Name Picture 🖼️😍

Succulent All plant ☘️ Name Picture 🖼️😍

Succulents identifier. Know your succulents' names through this video. There are more than 75 id's of succulents in our lists. We will identify types of echeveria, Sedum, Senecio, graptopetalum, and crassula varieties. I hope this video useful for you to know your plants. 01: Portulaca Gisilei 09- Graptopetalum Superbum 021- Echeveria Meridian 030- Echeveria Imbricata 036 Echeveria Black Prince 050- Chinese Jade 057 Graptopetalum Fileferum 1:06​ Dragons Blood #nature #plantlover