Start 2025 with this Powerful Rosary Prayer of 20 Mysteries. Pray for God’s protection and blessings for a Happy and Holy New Year. Perfect as a Morning or Night Prayer, this Complete Rosary renews your spirit in peace and joy through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. 🎁 My FREE BOOK "5 Keys for Effective Prayer" https://withmary.org/receive-free-ebook/ ❤️ Your support is essential, THANK YOU wholeheartedly: https://withmary.org/give 00:00 Rosary Prayer For 2025 00:21 Blessing for a Holy Year 01:08 Believing In God: The Creed 04:28 Prayer Of Consecration To Mary 06:17 Joyful Rosary 06:22 1. Joyful Mysteries: The Angel Gabriel's Annunciation To Mary 11:57 2. The Visitation 17:16 3. The Nativity Of Jesus Christ 22:59 4. The Presentation Of Jesus In The Temple 28:22 5. The Finding Of Jesus In The Temple 33:52 Luminous Rosary 33:57 1. Luminous Mysteries: The Baptism Of Jesus In The Jordan 39:17 2. The Wedding At Cana 44:34 3. Jesus Announces The Gospel 59:54 4. The Transfiguration Of Jesus 56:41 5. Jesus Institutes The Mass 1:01:50 Sorrowful Rosary 1:01:54 1. Sorrowful Mysteries: The Agony Of Jesus In Gethsemane 1:07:08 2. The Scourging Of Jesus 1:12:18 3. The Crowning With Thorns 1:17:21 4. Carrying The Cross 1:22:15 5. Crucifixion And Death Of Jesus On The Cross 1:27:43 Glorious Rosary 1:27:48 1. Glorious Mysteries: The Resurrection 1:33:17 2. The Ascension Of Jesus 1:38:38 3. The Pentecost Of The Holy Spirit 1:44:34 4. The Assumption Of Our Lady 1:50:28 5. The Coronation Of The Virgin Mary, Prayer With The Saints 1:56:07 Litany of Loreto 1:59:14 Hail Holy Queen and Memorare 2:01:26 Conclusion to the Rosary for 2025 #Rosary2025 #Rosary #HolyRosary ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ I ALSO RECOMMEND YOU ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1. LIVE PRAYERS With Mary    / @withmary   2. WITH MARY website: https://withmary.org/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY BEST VIDEOS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🙏 On WITH MARY 1. Holy Rosary for Healing:    • 🙏 ROSARY of HEALING 🙏 Catholic Powerf...   2. Catholic Morning Prayer:    • 🙏 CATHOLIC MORNING PRAYER 🙏 SAINT MIC...   3. Powerful Prayer to Saint Joseph for Family:    • 🙏 POWERFUL PRAYER to SAINT JOSEPH 🙏 F...   🌹 On AVEC MARIE (English subtitles) 1. Psalm 91, Evening Prayer:    • 🙏 PUISSANTE PRIÈRE du SOIR pour DORMI...   2. Healing prayer of the Rosary:    • 🙏 ROSAIRE de GUÉRISON 🙏 à NOTRE DAME ...   3. Prayer with Saint Rita:    • 🙏 SAINTE RITA 🙏 PRIÈRE PUISSANTE pour...   ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ VIDEO SUMMARY ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Powerful Complete Rosary Prayer for a Happy New Year of 2025 with the 20 mysteries. Discover the 5 essential keys to praying better that I use on a daily basis for effective meditation and powerful prayer. Through the grace of the Holy Spirit of God, whether you are a beginner or advanced, I invite you to download my guide to prayer for free. It will teach you how to pray the rosary, joyful mystery, luminous mystery, sorrowful mystery, and glorious mystery: https://withmary.org/ebook You are watching the video: With Mary: 🙏 ROSARY 2025 🙏 POWERFUL PRAYER for a BLESSED YEAR -    • 🙏 ROSARY 2025 🙏 POWERFUL PRAYER for a...