Company Accounts | Issue of Debentures | Accounting for Debentures| Class 12th|part-6|Azam Classes |
Company Accounts | Issue of Debentures | Accounting for Debentures| Class 12th|part-6|Azam Classes Topics to be Covered;- *Issue of debentures as Collateral Security; Loans taken are secured by mortgage of the assets known as primary or principal security. Security given in addition to the primary or principal security is termed or known as collateral security. *Accounting treatment of debenture issued as collateral security; (1) when journal entry is not passed. (2) When journal entry is passed. #azamclasses Can Follow Us on:- facebook- / azam.classes.7 facebook page- / azam-classes-102525968317494 Instragram- / azam.classes Twitter- / azamclasses You Can Download our Application From Play store;- https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... plz. like , share and subscribe our YouTube Channel. #azamclasses #azamclasses #accountsclass #companyaccountsclass12th #issueofdebenturesclass12 #considerationotherthancash #accountsclass12 Thank You.