(PS5) STOP THE TRAIN  | Immersive Realistic ULTRA Graphics Gameplay | 4K 60FPS HDR | Call of Duty

(PS5) STOP THE TRAIN | Immersive Realistic ULTRA Graphics Gameplay | 4K 60FPS HDR | Call of Duty

▶Every gameplay and video were played, recorded, and edited by me in 4K HDR 2160p, YouTube takes time to process 4K HDR, Be Patient. ABOUNT THE MISSION - This mission has you stopping a heavily fortified train that’s carrying V2 rockets, powerful missiles with a long range capable of taking out Paris. You’re teaming up with S.O.E. (Special Operations Executive) for a stealth infiltration mission that’s trying to put you on the train. After you melee the sniper with a stealth attack, a truck will show up with an officer. Kill the officer, your teammates will take out the guards outside the truck. You can choose to alert a guard from near the truck and take him out when he investigates but has no bearing on the mission, Follow Crowley through the window and follow his instructions. A german will walk out in front of the fireplace. Take him out stealthily, and don’t worry about the two germans talking outside. There’s another German in the room to the left near a window, but one of your teammates will rip him through the window and take care of him. Turn around after seeing the german ripped out the window and go back through the house to where you can see 3 germans talking out side, by firing through the door and window you can dispatch all three with ease. Continue out where the german was torn out the window, head left and in a flower pot near the 3 germans you killed from inside is the levels first memento. Take out the German outside directly in front of you - the exposed guard inside won’t be able to see you. After, take out the guard inside. By then, a German may come to investigate his fallen comrade outside. Take him out, and then the last one on the opposite side of the fire. Head into the house. The room directly in front of you has the level's second Memento. Head into it, and turn to the left - a collar is resting on top of the piano there. There are a lot of enemies across the street - a lot. Throw a grenade to the opening you see to give yourself some breathing room. They’ll release dogs to attack you, but you should have ample warning to see them and take them out. You’re trying to get to the building across the street - the post office - so you can board the train. grab supplies you need from your squadmates and try to take the Germans out as quickly as possible. There’s a downed soldier as shown in the pic below on your side of the stone wall. Drag him to safety for the level's sole Heroic Action After driving like mad to catch up with the train, Zussman will take over and you’ll jump over and take up the gun, as German soldiers will begin to line the train. Focus on the Panzerschrecks first, since they can take out your jeep. After the train is destroyed by your heroics - you’ll be rescued by an unnamed woman from the French Resistance. Move through the wreckage killing Germans and after the hardest firefight is over after you have ducked under the last peice of wreckage before you head up the embankment after you've ducked under the wreckage, loop back around the crates on your right, the one with the radio. There's a set of schematics showing the V2 Rocket - collect this for the level's third and final Memento. Make your way through the train wreckage where a cutscene is triggered and you are reunited with your platoon. Call of Duty is a military video game series and media franchise published by Activision, starting in 2003. The games were first developed by Infinity Ward, then by Treyarch and Sledgehammer Games. Several spin-off and handheld games were made by other developers