Land Survey data collection by Mobile Topographer Application (Mobile GIS)

Land Survey data collection by Mobile Topographer Application (Mobile GIS)

In this video I have discussed the methods of how to collect field survey data in surveying by using your mobile phone GPS service. Best offer Today: √[Note: This method is not recommended for Precision Surveying] This method can be used for measurement of an Area approximately. SUBSCRIBE us (its free)    / learnexplore   Mobile Topographer application download link Your mobile Topographer! The leading tool for the professional surveyor or anyone who wants to mark his property, offering the best accuracy and extensive functionality that no other app can! *** Increase GPS accuracy using: Weighted averaging (on every axis). Map calibration. Device calibration on map, or on a know point. *** Auto stop for accurate positioning. *** Examine the satellites above you in a sky view. *** Signal strength and number of satellites indication for each GNSS constellation individually. *** Multiple units support: Meters, International feet, US survey feet. ***Height calculation: Ellipsoidal height. EGM96 orthometric height calculation. *** Convert from geodetic to Cartesian coordinates and back: Support for device measured points, or Manually input of geodetic or Cartesian coords. *** Drive me: Key in coordinates of the target point in either geodetic or Cartesian coordinates, or select a point from the list and follow the pointer. Compass indicating both magnetic and true North. *** Project on Map: Project individual points on any map application. Project list of points, and the defined polygon, on embedded maps. *** Save multiple point lists, to use them later. *** Calculate area. *** Export point lists το: .txt (text file) .csv (point file - comma separated) .kml (google earth file) .gpx (Gps Exchange format) .dxf (drawing file) l PTS format creation download link watch more tutorials related to AutoCAD and Excel: (How to import Points/X,Y Co-ordinates)    • How to import X Y coordinates from Ex...   (How to import Lines from excel to AutoCAD)    • How to Create a Topo Map by using Exc...   (How to import Texts from excel to AutoCAD)    • How to Import Texts from Excel to Aut...   How to convert Lat, Long to UTM (Easting,Northing) | by QGIS Software (English)    • How to convert Lat Long to UTM (Easti...   Bearing and Distance Calculation from Easting, Northing | Excel | Download Link Inside    • Bearing Calculation from coordinates ...   If you think this tutorial is helpful please SUBSCRIBE Like & Share this video and Subscribe our channel to get free updates With best wishes SUBSCRIBE (its free)    / learnexplore   L&E Team!