Free Meditation Bhante Devananda Indiana Buddhist Temple #freemeditation Bryan Ohio
A devata wonders: why waste time meditating in the hopes of some future reward, when one can enjoy sensual pleasures right here and now? In all the world, every world, you should do no evil with speech, body, or mind. Having abandoned sensual pleasures — mindful, alert — don’t consort with suffering & stress, with what doesn’t pertain to the goal SN 1.20 PTS: S i 8 CDB i 97 Samiddhi Sutta Loving Kindness Meditation every Thursday at 6 pm from 301 W Butler Bryan Ohio, 6:30 pm from 7528 Thompson Rd Hoagland Indiana, Mindfulness of Breath every Thursday at 6:30 pm. The temple is open to the public. #meditation #fortwayne #myfortwayne #indiana #bryan #ohio