How to Get Rid of Ticks (4 Easy Steps)
Notice: Reclaim I/T is now known as Supreme I/T. Click here to learn more & see this video's products! https://goo.gl/oYdFwN Watch how to get rid of ticks using the Solutions Four Step Process! This video will show you how to kill ticks in your yard, in your house, and on your pets for total tick control! *** Like fleas, lice, and bed bugs, ticks are blood-sucking parasites that rely on their hosts for survival. But ticks are much more aggressive, latching onto their hosts and being hard to remove. Ticks can also be dangerous because they can spread very serious diseases such as Lyme disease, Colorado tick fever, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. And their population can grow rapidly, so it’s important to get control of ticks as soon as possible. Solutions Guaranteed Tick Elimination: Steps 1 & 2: IDENTIFICATION & INSPECTION (0:44) A lot of the time, identification and inspection go hand-in-hand because it can sometimes be difficult to determine what kind of tick you have. The most common tick types are black-legged ticks, Lone Star ticks, American dog ticks, and brown dog ticks. When identifying a tick you will want to note its body shape, legs, and color. Ticks have a pretty distinctive look, but that doesn’t stop them from being misidentified as a flea. You’ll know it’s a tick over a flea by the tick’s spider-like appearance. Inspect your property for tick activity. Ticks are usually found in wooded areas and places with a lot of brush and vegetation. They typically climb up the grass or brush and wait for a potential host to pass by where they can latch on. Ticks like warm, dark areas. So if you think your pet might have ticks check in spots such as under their tail, under their collar, around the groin area, or between their toes. Step 3: CONTROL (02:48) Ticks typically get in your home or property by hitching rides on your pets. So the first thing you will need to do is treat your pet. Do this with a combination of topical flea treatments, Prefurred and Petcor flea spray. Not only will these products kill fleas, but they will also kill any ticks that may be on your dog or cat. Spray Petcor on your pet, starting at the tail and working toward the head. Rub their fur in the opposite direction and spray so that the spray can reach their skin. Then use Prefurred. This is a waterproof spot treatment that will protect your pet for 30 days. Apply this to their back between their shoulder blades. Next, you will want to treat indoors. Start by vacuuming all floor surfaces in your home. Then apply Novacide flea and tick killer to your floors. Novacide is a ready to use aerosol insecticide made up of four different chemicals and has a built-in IGR. To use it, hold the can upside down and spray directly to the floor surface around knee height. Make sure to coat all floor surfaces -- tile, hardwood, linoleum, carpet -- and stay off all areas until its dry. What’s great about Novacide is that it is labelled for many different pests, not just fleas and ticks. Finally, treat the outdoors. It’s important to not overlook this because this is where your tick problem began in the first place. Use a combination of Bifen LP insecticide granules and Reclaim IT liquid concentrate. These insecticides deliver a powerful knockdown and long-lasting residual. First, spread the Bifen granules around your yard with either a hand or push spreader. Be sure to focus on those brushy areas where ticks like to hide. When that’s done, spray the Reclaim IT over the granules. This will activate the insecticide granules and offer additional protection from ticks and other pests. Spray around the yard, again focusing on brushy areas. Also be sure to spray at least five feet up trees and the siding of the house. These are also spots where ticks will hide as they molt. Step 4: PREVENTION (04:57) Discourage ticks from returning by keeping vegetation trimmed back and reducing any clutter and leaf litter. Perform follow up treatments with your Bifen and Reclaim. Remember with any insecticidal treatment, always read the label for safety and proper application info. And be sure to regularly check your pet for any tick activity, especially after going outside to a park or wooded trails. If you follow these steps, we guarantee you 100% that you will get rid of ticks. Not only will you have eliminated ticks, but you will have controlled other pests too, even fleas. Leave a comment in the comment section below, if you have any questions. Also stop by one of our stores, send us an email, give us a call, or visit our website. And be sure to subscribe to our channel for more How To and product videos! Thanks for watching!