10 Sightings of the Megalodon That May Prove It Exists
MEGALODON SHARK HAS 10 Sightings 50M Videos is the #1 place for all your heart warming stories about amazing people that will inspire you everyday. Make sure to subscribe and never miss a single video! #viralstory #amazingpeople #50MVideos Megalodon meaning “Big tooth” is a shark that terrorized oceans and seas of the earth just over 25 million years ago. But some people believe that it still exists. Its existence might be explained by these 10 sightings. So, let’s get into it. Number 10.) The megalodon documentary In 2018, Discovery Channel kicked off Shark Week with a two-hour documentary called "Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives," about the rediscovery of a giant prehistoric predator thought to have been extinct for more than 25 million years. despite a brief disclaimer that it was fiction, many people thought the documentary was real. Megalodons did exist once, but there’s no evidence they’ve reappeared. Scientists were furious at the network, which is presumed to be educational, for confusing viewers. The scientists in the documentary were all actors, and the photos that supposedly showed megalodon were clearly doctored. Confirming the lie was a too-fast-to-read disclaimer that ran across the screen in the program's final seconds. Yet it was a rating hit, the most popular program in Shark Week history with nearly 5 million viewers. The next year, the network aired “Megalodon: The New Evidence,” of which it apparently had none. 12:15 – 13:15 Number 9.) the baby megalodon A common fact about the megalodon shark is that they had babies. It didn't lay eggs; it gave birth to it's young like it was a mammal. A Megalodon pup was 7-10 feet long and weighed up to 500 pounds, which is almost the size of the great white shark that is one of the biggest in the ocean. The pup was able to hunt after birth, so it can take care of itself after it is born. They grew very quickly and at that time the pup's favorite food was dugong or in other words sea cows. A similar shark was found on the coast of Australia. This was near a beach and actual people were there. The shark was spotted by a helicopter and the person inside it advised people not to go into the water. When the footage was sent to experts, they were quick to assume that this shark was about 22 feet long and could have been a baby megalodon. Megalodon thrived in hot waters and if megalodon ever existed, it would in the hot waters of Australia. If the baby is there, the parents must also be close by because sharks don’t let their children roam around alone in fear of them getting attacked. Who would in their right mind attack a shark? Number 8.) The megamouth With its blunt head which is even larger than its abdomen, the megamouth is one of the most unique species of shark to roam the depths of the ocean. Some people believe that megamouth is a proof that megalodon still exists. On the occasion that one of these creatures is caught on camera scientists and on-lookers, fascinated by the megamouths physical features and eager to see the shark up-close, automatically post the video of the shark on the internet, resulting in headlines dotted with words like “terrifying” and “rare.” Yet we know very little about the shark’s behavior or how its unique physical traits operate. Many believe that it is related to the megalodon as the specie is so rare and barely found. The shark is also so big around 15 feet that it gives away the megalodon vibes. But the studies of megalodon suggest that the shark preferred shallow waters so had the megalodon still existed, it would had been detected. The creature was dubbed the ‘megamouth’ shark due to its gaping mouth and huge jaw and the name has stuck ever since. 9:30 – 10:35 Number 7.) deep blue A group of divers near Oahu were monitoring tiger sharks feeding off a decomposed sperm whale when they encountered a giant shark. Ocean Ramsey, one of the divers who studies sharks, told The Star-Advertiser that, based on the shark's size and markings, the shark may be Deep Blue, one of the largest sharks on record. This shark was so big that experts first did not know what it really was. Many assumed that it was actually a megalodon because the size of the shark was more than 20 feet. Diver and photographer Kimberly Jeffries said she was one of two divers first in the water with the giant shark. According to Jeffries, marine experts familiar with the shark reviewed her photos and confirmed it was a great white shark. This was the biggest great white shark ever recorded and people still think that this shark could somehow be related to the megalodon.