You Have Purpose! Jesus Lives In You!

You Have Purpose! Jesus Lives In You!

About Us: We believe it is essential to make Christ real to this generation by focusing much of our energy on vibrant, life-impacting, Bible-based, application-centered programs for teens and young children. All who attend our Sunday worship services enjoy a contemporary and relaxed style. The Holy Spirit continually moves in these services in fresh and powerful ways through healing and prophecy. The preaching of the Word of God at Celebrate! Family Church places a strong emphasis on faith, and Pastor Andrew is well-known for his very down-to-earth approach. “Live Life… Give Love… Share the Lord!” is our motto, and we take seriously our mission to provide the hope of Jesus Christ to this generation by growing Christ’s followers. We pursue the task of nurturing lasting change in His believers, so that they can take the Word out and impact the world. We rejoice to see that impact affect people not only in Leicester, but as far away as Rochester, Mexico, Kenya, Hong Kong, and elsewhere. The support of established missions ministries and participation in short-term missions efforts is very important to us because a commitment to the Great Commission is central to who we are at Celebrate! Family Church. Want to be a part of spreading God's love to the world around us? Consider donating using the following link: https://celebratefamilychurch.churchc... Tags: #christian #christianmotivation #christianmotivationalvideos #jesus #jesuschrist #shorts #sermon #sermons #gospel #christ #jesuslovesyou #holyspirit #shorts