The Complete Story Of REVELATION Like You've Never Seen It Before in 4K | Faith Stories

The Complete Story Of REVELATION Like You've Never Seen It Before in 4K | Faith Stories

My name is John, and today I want to share the truth behind the book I wrote, the Book of Revelation. Over the centuries, many have distorted and misinterpreted this crucial text for believers, casting it as a prophecy filled with destructive evil or centered on Satan. If you believe that is the message of Revelation, I must tell you, you are mistaken. The Book of Revelation is about something far greater it is the unveiling of the Second Coming of Christ, a prophecy mentioned 318 times in the Bible, making it the most frequently predicted event in all of Scripture. More: FAITH STORIES    • Bible Stories   #biblestories #jesus #christianity #oldtestament #newtestament