5 years LLB - Faculty of Law, Delhi University | First Round Result - CLAT
We have some important updates from the Faculty of Law at Delhi University: The first round results for B.A. LL.B and B.B.A. LL.B. for the academic year 2023-24 have been released. 1. You can find the list of candidates who have been shortlisted by visiting the following link: https://admission.uod.ac.in/ 2. Shortlisted candidates must complete the admission process, which includes fee payment, by 11:59 pm on November 5, 2023. ✅Join our Telegram group for free exclusive study materials: https://t.me/lawprep ✅Visit our website: https://t.me/lawprep ✅Follow us on Instagram for daily CLAT preparation tips: / lawpreptutorialpatna #lawpreptutorialpatna #lawpreptutorial #lawprep #clat #clatexam #clat2024 #clat2023preparation #clatpreparation #nationallawuniversity #nludelhi #nalsarhyderabad #lawpreptutorialpatna #proudmoment