Sunday Worship in English -- March 16, 2025
Welcome to online worship with ORLC! It’s our joy to have you worship with us as we worship together this Lenten season. Today we continue a Lenten Sunday series called, "This We Confess." As Lutherans, we hold to the three “solas” – Sola Fe, Sola Gratia, Sola Scriptura. Part of the way we have understood Scripture is through the lens of the writings passed down by Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, and other Lutheran reformers. This collection of writings we know as the “Book of Concord”, or what we call the “Lutheran Confessions.” When we see the pages of Scripture, what is unique about the Lutheran understanding of who God is and how he relates to us? Each week of this Lenten series we will take a section of the Lutheran Confessions in addition to our Scripture readings, in order to understand what makes our faith unique and how God speaks grace to us every day. This season of Lent is a season for both types of confession: our confession of sin to God, and our confession of confidence in who He has revealed himself to be. This week, the focus is on "The Heart" -- with a reading from the Large Catechism, 10 Commandments, First Commandment, paragraphs 26-28. You can check out more about our church at www.orlc.org. There you can read about what we believe, see our worship times, hear past sermons, or give via PayPal. Feel free to say hi to folks worshipping with you via our Public Chat as well. We pray this time is a time of peace and joy for you all today as we come together as the people of God!