PWR Pro Vs EVERY RANK in Fortnite
PWR Pro Vs EVERY RANK in Fortnite If you want to use the best 1v1 map use PWR 1v1s (same as in the video) : 8291-1607-8903 To contact Alex about sponsorship offers email [email protected] Make sure to follow each rank! Bronze : / loserfruit Silver : / ytinsightfn Gold : / lachlanyt Plat : / eliteefnt Diamond : / overstrand Elite : / jxsnau Champion : / x2twins Unreal : / looterzx CREATOR CODE: "alexau" #ad Follow my socials: 🦜Twitter: / alexfnbr1 📺Twitch: / alexau 🎨Thumbnail: / philnoo 🎬 Editor : / ytinsightfn My Organization: 🐤 Twitter: / teampwr Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com #alexfn #fortnite #PWR Official headset and controller partner Nacon | RIG: https://www.riggaming.com/pwr Official headset and controller partner Nacon | RIG: https://www.riggaming.com/pwr