S2E15: "Gathering" Transcription: "Shūketsu" (Japanese: 集結) DEMON SLAYER KIMETSU NO YAIBA ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT ARC REACTION 鬼滅の刃鬼滅の刃歓楽街REACTION Let's be friends! Subscribe to my channel here: / andimetv Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AndiMeTV Check out my reaction playlists: Girl From Nowhere Reactions - • GIRL FROM NOWHERE Jujutsu Kaisen (Season 1) Reactions - / playlist list=PL8CYMiKO-1CVm8CYLDSu-uwoepN84WZep My Hero Academia (Season 1) Reactions - • MY HERO ACADEMIA Attack on Titan (Season 4 Part 1) Reactions - • Playlist Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba (Season 1) Reactions - • Playlist Boruto Next Generations Reactions - • Playlist Trese Filipino Anime Reactions - • TRESE NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED "This video uses copyrighted material in a manner that does not require the approval of the copyright holder. It is fair use under copyright law. "quotation of excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment; quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work, for illustration or clarification of the author's observations; use in a parody of some of the content of the work parodied; summary of an address or article, with brief quotations, in a news report; reproduction by a library of a portion of a work to replace part of a damaged copy; reproduction by a teacher or student of a small part of a work to illustrate a lesson; reproduction of a work in legislative or judicial proceedings or reports; incidental and fortuitous reproduction, in a newsreel or broadcast, of a work located in the scene of an event being reported." #DemonSlayer #KimetsuNoYaiba #Reaction