Sunday Worship - Day of Pentecost: 5/23/2021
Worship with St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, San Francisco – May 23, 2021. Dr. Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero will preach and Pr. Elizabeth will preside. The bulletin, with all the information you will need to participate, may be downloaded ahead of time by following this link: https://smlc.live/bulletins You can share this video with your own social networks and invite your friends to join us. Please also "like" the video and subscribe to the St. Mark's YouTube Channel to find our service videos more easily. Want to learn more about St. Mark's SF and what we're up to these days? Please visit our website at stmarks-sf.org and subscribe to our newsletter. You can also follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/stmarkssf/ ——————— Hymns and portions of the liturgy are used under OneLicense.net A-706373 and by permission of Augsburg Fortress, license # 15101-LIT, and E-libris Publishers, license # 05006. Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license A-706373. All rights reserved. Bulletin © 2021 St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. #lutheran #elca #sundayworship #church #sanfrancisco #sf