Hollyland Lark M2S: The Best Wireless Microphone for Creators? | Full Review.

Hollyland Lark M2S: The Best Wireless Microphone for Creators? | Full Review.

Full review of the Hollyland Lark M2S after a month of actual use in recordings, vlogs, and interviews. Is this wireless microphone system worth the investment? 00:00 - Introduction 01:00 - Unboxing and content 03:40 - Build quality 06:22 - Indoor audio tests 11:11 - Outdoor tests and noise cancellation 12:38 - Range test #HollylandLarkM2S #WirelessMicrophones #CreatorsTeam My Social Networks: https://www.instagram.com/tech_edison... https://www.tiktok.com/@techedisonec?... Contact email. [email protected]