Surah Al-Qadr (Power) Full | By Sheikh Abdur-Rahman As-Sudais in Arabic Text | 97-سورۃالقدر
Assalam o Alaikum This channel is basically for those who want to Listen and Learn the Holy Quran. We produce HD videos of Quranic text in beautiful voice and Islamic videos. Thank you for subscribing to the channel. Keep us in your prayers. بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم HADITH (حدیث شریف) USMAN BI AFFAN (R.A) REPORTED:- THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH (صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم ) SAID:- "THE BEST AMONGST YOU IS THE ONE WHO LEARN THE QURAN AND TEACHES IT". (AL-BUKHARI) Sūrat al-Qadr (Arabic: سورة القدر, "Power, Fate") is the 97th sura of the Qur'an with 5 ayat. It is a Meccan sura.[1] The Surah has been so designated after the word al-qadr in the first verse. It is mainly about power. جزاك اللهُ خيراً Surah Al Qadar By Mishary Rashid Al afsay in Arabic Text (HD) | Surah Al Qadar By Abdur-Rehman As-Sudais in Arabic Text (HD) | Surah 97 chapter 97 Al qadar with urdu hindi transltion | Surah al qadar by mishary al afsay| surah Al qadar with hd arabic text | surah Al qadar beautiful recitation | Surah al qadar word by word | surah al qadar repeat | Surah al qadar just urdu Translation | surah al qadr | surah | surah al qadr for kids| surah al qadr on repeat|surah al qadr full hd | quran | al qadr surah | surah qadar | al qadr | surah al qadr 100 times |surah al qadr with hd arabic text |surah al qadr sudais |surah al qadr full | surat al-qadr | tilawat e quran surah al qadr |al quran surah | surah al qadr sleep | surah al qadr merdu | al qadr surah learn | surah al qadr full hd |surah al baqarah | surah al daqar arabic text |surah al-qadr | surat al qadr | al quran surah al qadr #surahqadr #surahqadrsudais #surahqadrtilawat #surahqadrqirat #surahalqadr #surahalqadrsudais #daily recitation #holyquranrecitation #alquransurah #tilawatequran #al quran #surahalqadr #surahqadrforstomach #surahqadr forweightloss #surahqadrforeyesight #tilawatequransurahalqadr #beautifulrecitationofsurahalqadr #qadr #sudais #surahqadr #alqadr #surahinnaanzalnahufilailatilqodri #surahinnaanzalnafi lailatulqadr #surahqadrforchildren https://youtube.com/@BaitUlQuran-be6u...