Contemporary Service - March 9, 2025
Good morning🌞! Thank you for joining us for our Contemporary service. Today, Pastor Mike continues the Lenten sermon series, “40 Days of Decrease.” Through this 40-day challenge, we will explore the beauty of self-decrease, letting go of distractions, and making space for the deep, abiding love of God. To follow along with this series, pick up free copies our Stillwater Lenten Daily Devotional in the lobby or contact the church office if you need one mailed to you. Today's theme in worship is "Comparison: Choosing Contentment Over Competition or Envy." The scripture reading for today's service is Matthew 20:9-15. If you would like to support our ministry, you can give online at https://www.stillwaterchurch.com/onli.... We appreciate your generosity and faithfulness. 🙏If you have any prayer needs, please email us at [email protected]. We would love to pray for you and with you.