The ONLY Video You Need on How to Moisturize DRY 4C Natural Hair | DETAILED TUTORIAL 🙌🏽 💦

The ONLY Video You Need on How to Moisturize DRY 4C Natural Hair | DETAILED TUTORIAL 🙌🏽 💦

Hey hey hey! We are back with a highly requested video filled with all you need to moisturize and KEEP your hair moisturize. I always that moisturize is a journey, not a destination. You need to keep moisturizing your hair, and learn what your hair needs. I personally try to not let my hair dry out. I dot this by regularly washing, deep conditioning and moisturizing me hair. Because it is naturally hair, I have to keep on top of my moisture routine. Question for you: How do you moisturize your hair? Leave a comment below. You know I'm nosy and I like to know :) PRODUCT USED Melanin Hair care: IMONatural Leave in & Hair Creme (Shea butter mix - Use code below for money off) Kinky Tresses Hair oil -------- COUPON CODES: THE INNATE LIFE: INNATEJENNJ MELLO HAIR : jennj IMONATURAL: JENNJ15 --------- #howtogrowlonghair #howtonaturalhair #4chaircare ♡ Social Media ♡ Instagram -   / its_jennj     / itsjennj     / its_jennj   Tumblr-   / jemy1415   SnapChat: jemy1415 ________________________________________ ♡ Tech Info ♡ Camera - Canon 80D Editing - Final Cut pro X Music: Epidemicsound ________________________________________ SOME VIDEOS I KNOW YOU WILL ENJOY: NATURAL HAIR WASH DAY:    • WASH DAY ROUTINE FOR 4C HAIR (3 HOURS...   BEST 4C HAIR ROUTINE EVER:    • The BEST Natural Hair Care Routine fo...   TWIST & CURL on 4C HAIR:    • I did a Twist & Curl on my 4C Natural...   MY NATURAL HAIR FELL OFF -    • OMG! MY HAIR HAS FALLEN OUT!   PRODUCTS I AM USING TO GROW OUT MY EDGES -    • SO I SNAPPED: All the products I've b...   LIFE UPDATE -    • A "not so quick" update, before we mo...   HOW TO MOISTURIZE 4C HAIR -    • FINALLY! A REALISTIC VIDEO ON HOW TO ...   FULL NATURAL HAIR ROUTINE -    • My Wash Day Routine (START TO FINISH)...   MY CURRENT HAIR PRODUCTS -    • CURRENT HAIR PRODUCTS   HOW I TAKE CARE OF MY TWA -    • TWA WASH DAY ROUTINE: Styling My New ...   HOW I MOISTURIZE MY HAIR -    • 4 Steps to Moisturized Natural Hair   THE DAY I CUT ALL OF MY HAIR HAIR - VLOG STYLE -    • The Day That I Shaved My Hair   CUTTING ALL OF MY HAIR OFF -    • I CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF 😱   FAUX LOCS FAIL -    • What They Don't Tell You About Faux Locs   3 EASY CROCHET HAIRSTYLES -    • Getting Creative with Crochet: 3 Easy...   HOW TO: BIG BRAIDS AND SLAY -    • HOW TO: BIG BRAIDS IN 2 HOURS | Prote...   MY GO-TO PROTECTIVE STYLE -    • My Go-To Protective Style: Quick & Easy!