Sunday Morning Worship - November 27, 2022

Sunday Morning Worship - November 27, 2022

Join us for Morning Worship virtually with our Pastor, Rev. Dr. Booker T. Sears Jr. Today is the First Sunday of Advent and we will light the Hope Candle. On this day, we remember to hopefully look for the coming of Christ. If you need prayer, please call the church at 718-617-6800 or by clicking here and filling out the form Please continue to support our ministry by sending your tithes and offerings electronically at or$goodwillbcbronx. You can also mail them to Goodwill Baptist Church 642-44 Crotona Park So. Bronx, New York 10456. We’re asking all of our visitors to please fill out our Guest contact card located Thank you for joining us. We pray that you are blessed by this broadcast.