7:30PM Simbang Gabi Day 5 | December 19, 2022

7:30PM Simbang Gabi Day 5 | December 19, 2022

7:30PM Simbang Gabi Day 5 | December 19, 2022 Presider: Rev. Fr. Nelson Ma. Lato, OSM First Reading: Jgs 13:2–7, 24–25a Responsorial Psalm (Ps 71) My mouth shall be filled with your praise, and I will sing your glory! Alleluia O Root of Jesse’s stem, sign of God’s love for all his people: come to save us without delay! Holy Gospel: Lk 1:5–25 Prayers of the Faithful Loving God, come and save us without delay. #stperegrineparish #stperegrineshrine #simbanggabi2022 #misadegallo2022