How To Block Someone On Facebook But Not On Messenger | Full Guide

How To Block Someone On Facebook But Not On Messenger | Full Guide

How To Block Someone On Facebook But Not On Messenger how to block someone on facebook block someone on facebook but not on messenger how to block someone on facebook account but not messenger app Want to block someone on Facebook but still keep them on Messenger? QuickDigitalHelp has the solution! In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the steps to effortlessly block someone on Facebook while maintaining the ability to communicate with them via Messenger. Blocking someone on Facebook can help manage your social interactions, and we'll show you how to do it without affecting your Messenger conversations. We'll walk you through accessing Facebook’s privacy settings, applying the block, and ensuring Messenger access remains intact. Watch now and learn how to block someone on Facebook but not on Messenger with ease with QuickDigitalHelp! #howtoblock #someone #Facebook #but #not #Messenger #QuickDigitalHelp