Sunday Mass - June 11, 2023 - Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Sunday Mass - June 11, 2023 - Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

2. Congratulations to the 8 men who were ordained as priests last Saturday, June 3 – including Father Sergio Sandoval who started his journey to the priesthood here at St. Catherine. 3. The anniversary of the 2nd apparition of Our Lady of Fatima will be this Tuesday, June 13. Mass is at 830am in English followed by rosary and procession. 4. Pre-orders for Father’s Day gifts continue after Sunday Masses and every Sunday thru the 11th in the patio. 5. There will be a pop-up night market here in the St. Catherine of Siena parking lot, NEXT SATURDAY, June 17, from 3 to 8pm. There will be music and food available. Admission is free. 6. Our Annual Father’s Day Breakfast will be on June 18. Please see the bulletin for more information. 7. The food sale today is by the Peruvian Community. Stop by the plaza after Mass to try delicious Peruvian food!